Assistance With Travel/Transport Arrangements
Assistance With Travel/Transport Arrangements
If a participant is unable to use public transport without substantial difficulty due to their disability then a participant will generally be able to access funding through the NDIS for transport assistance.
NDIS may decide it’s reasonable and necessary to provide funding to access taxis, rideshare, community transport and others suitable transport methods.
There are 3 levels of funding that can be included in your plan as Transport Allowance as core support:
Level 1 – If you are not working, studying, or attending day programs but want to increase your community access, the NDIS can provide you with $1,606 per year for transport.
Level 2 – If you are working or studying less than 15 hours a week, or attending day programs, the NDIS can provide you with up to $2,472 per year for transport.
Level 3 – If you spend more than 15 hours a week working, studying, or looking for work, you can receive up to $3,456 per year for transport.
These funds can only be used to pay a transport provider to drive you to an activity or appointment with another provider. This support is NOT intended to cover tips to your driver, petrol, or any other expenses during the trip, and cannot be used to pay an informal support, such as a family member or friend, to drive you around.
Travelling with a support worker
Support workers can accompany clients with their travel needs via public transport or their own vehicle, however it all depends on the level of support. This is especially true for clients whose disabilities make accessing transport difficult. We can provide funding for clients to access taxis, rideshares, community vehicles and other suitable methods of transport.
In addition, clients may also choose to develop skills in using public transport independently.
Increasing your independence through transportation
Living independently is a common goal of the NDIS, and a transport plan is one of the many ways you can realise that independence. If your disability makes it difficult to move around and do many vehicle-related things, but you want to learn to overcome these barriers and learn transport, you may be eligible for things like public transport training or driving lessons. We at Best Option are willing to help you get the independent life you hope for.
Why Choose Best Option?
Amazing NDIS Experience
We tailor our services to the needs of participants. These services range from living at home to supported independent living.
Family Friendly
Families are a participant’s main emotional support, so we communicate with them regularly. Contact us today.
Protecting Vulnerable People
At Best Option, we train our staff to provide the best NDIS services to all participants.
Personnel Team
Each participant has a suitable support worker or support coordinator according to the chosen service.
Diverse Staff
Our support worker team come from a culturally and linguistically diverse group. Contact us for more information.
Support-trained Staff
Staff professionally trained to provide independent living support and other NDIS services.
Friendly Staff
We have friendly staff and are ready to assist you with NDIS. You can contact us to get free initial consultation
Our management provides high-quality services and a team of professionals who have excellent sector connections.
Links with complementary supports, such as a large network of healthcare professionals who specialise in the health field.
Best Option Is Here To Brighten Your Day!
With Best Option, take the next step to your great NDIS experience. Feel free to contact us at 0483 232 666, Best Option is here to answer any questions you may have.